Late night thoughts…

Damn, I wish I could talk to you right now. Its ironic because you did tell me I needed to start blogging again. I never would have thought it would be my only means of contact with you. I guess everything happens for a reason. Its funny because as soon as I got on this site I felt better. Like a little bit of the weight had been taken off my shoulders. So I guess you were right (this time HA!). You always find a way to make me feel better. I was reading what I last wrote about you and its CRAAAAAZZZYY because the 1st time I wrote about you was on january 23 at around the same time. Thw dopest part about it is that exactly THREE months to the day, my feelings havent changed. And thats big for me because usually after about month 2 I get extremely bored. But not with you. Youre a genuine friend and thats what I love the most about you. Im always gon be here for you. Anyways you were just on my mind. I miss you. Im sure you’re packin up all your last minute stuff, I hope youre not stressed and if you are CUT IT OUT RIGHT NOW!!! I hope you have an amazing time on your trip. Seems like we were just sayin how you had oh so many months until the wedding and here it is! I just want you to enjoy yourself, im sure things may get a little stressful and crazy but I just want you and ashley to have fun. Okay ill stop blabbing. Have a safe flight babe. Please try to let me know when you make it. Hmu whenever you can.


herman, PEEWEE.

you’re simply a breath of fresh air. but thats not simply why im attracted. like ive said before, your looks attracted me, your mind, thats what keeps me here. your mind, that what has me here. shit had me here, all day trying to figure out how to make my thoughts clear. ive been thinkin bout you…. frank ocean blastin in my ear. blah blah with all that rhymin shit. lol. we already talked about people bein full of shit, tellin us what we want to hear. fuuuck im still rhymin, unintentionally. 

basically its like this, ive been trying to figure out what i wanted to say to you for the longest, and more importantly how i would deliver what i had to say. ive had a crush on you since hs, couldnt really way anything tho bc of the circumstances, and before i had a chance you had graduated. but okay enough of all of that. i want to tell you the truth. and i guess there is no time like the present, i like you. plain and simple. just the way you like things lol. i wanted to tell you today while you were here, but i didnt want to make things awkward. i know how you feel about age, but im here to say fuuucckkk it, i dont want that to stop you from feeling something. sometimes you find things in the places you least expect em, shit break the rules lol but dont get crazy! i like our conversations, i like the simplicity, i respect your mind, im intrigued by the fact that you have an opinion (and you voice it), that you read, that you have this desire to learn, better yourself. i like that you crochet like a lil old granny, i like that youre supportive, youre honest, i can get over the fact that youre a taurus lol, the list goes on. some of the things that would often be seen as intimidating, they arent with you. call me out on my shit bc in the end youre only makin me better…but maybe i should slow my roll, make something real clear, im not trying to wife you, be in a relationship, none of that. i just want you to know how i felt, i wanted to be honest with you. but i want to get to know you as more than a friend. dont worry, if you shut my shit down, things remain the same, lol ill still text you in the am, call you the tin man, and most importantly we will still have our movie night lol. but okay. ima kill it. this post didnt come out as eloquent as i would have liked, or how suave i imagined it in my mind, lol but it came out real. thats all i really wanted. 


stay up.

SANDY (i hope this helps)

“Hey, I was just wondering if there has been anyone in your life when you were younger who you had been cruel to? If so, now that your an adult how have you dealt with it? And I guess what I’m really trying to get at is how to do you reconcile the cruelty of the past with the person your tryign to become (or am) now?”

first, i want to thank you for reading my blog, and i want to thank you because you are the first person to actually ask me to cover a topic which is what ive been hoping for. now with that being said, i have to let you know that this is a hard one for me, not that the question is complex or anything, but how im going to answer it is the hard part. but i have to start somewhere, and hopefully as i type the words will come to me. im literally going to break your question down and answer piece by piece, i hope thats ok.

1. I was just wondering if there has been anyone in your life when you were younger who you had been cruel to?

When i was younger, i was never really CRUEL to anyone. i emphasize cruel because thats such a strong word. I wasn’t so to say cruel, i was never really mean to anyone outside of playing around. But, i did have people in my circle who i would say had a tendency to be cruel, intentionally or unintentionally. 

2. If so, now that your an adult how have you dealt with it?

Since i have no experience with this, i will tell you how I THINK you should handle it. I think that as any mistake making human, its important to go backwards. You cant move forward forward on a path without knowing where you’ve come from. That doesn’t mean that you dwell on it, but you live and you learn. Personally, i think that you should apologize, Im not saying hunt down every person you’ve ever been cruel to, but I’m saying make a Public Service Announcement, for lack of a better example. Use your RESOURCES, take to social media, take a stand, make a statement.. And it sounds so simple, but sometimes apologizing for something can be the hardest thing to do. I say this because admitting you are or were wrong is always difficult, no one likes to do it. But its a part of growing up and maturing.  

3. what I’m really trying to get at is how to do you reconcile the cruelty of the past with the person your trying to become (or am) now?

So far, I’ve said to apologize to whomever, and don’t dwell. More importantly, you have to be able to FORGIVE. FORGIVE YOURSELF. Don’t let your past decisions hinder your growth. Don’t get so caught up on your past cruel actions that you can’t become the person you’re trying to become. It sounds corny but now you should fight for people around you that you see being treated cruelly. So often in life we don’t speak out against the injustices around us. Sometimes your silence, or your lack of action can be just as bad as you being cruel. I hope that made sense, because it did in my head LOL. What im trying to say is that there is no better way to show your growth then to be an advocate for justice against the thing you used to practice. Cut yourself some slack. Obviously you’re growing and maturing because you’re reflecting on your past mistakes, and you’re striving to become a better person. Just remember that mistakes will happen, you live and you learn.. keep moving forward i think you’re on the right path..

i hope this helped.. i tried to make as much sense as possible. if you have any other questions ask me, i love a challenge, and something that i have to actually do some serious thinking about…




heyy guys its been a long time.. i havent lost my passion, just lost the words. i had a lot on the inside that i needed to deal with and at the time i wasnt really ready to see those things out onto paper if you know what i mean.




i dont know what the purpose of this post is, i have no intention of delivering any messages today, giving any pointers, i just want to let it all out. let you guys know and understand the deepest darkest part of me that i rarely speak about. and also to let yall know about my salvation, what, well the people who motivated me, kept me sane. all in their own ways they played a part in why im here and alive to even blog. bare with me this will probably be an extremely long blog, but nothin like this should be shorted. a story like this needs to be told in its entirety. with that being said, i will attempt to stick to the important stuff lol. nobody likes a long drug out as story.

here it is. 

THE GOOD…i moved to NC august 2011. met the girl of my dreams november 15, 2011, hung out with her for the first time on November 18, 2011 and from that day on we were inseparable. i know yall wonderin how the hell i know the exact dates, thats how HUGE of an impact she had on me from the first time we spoke. long story short we got together on december 1, 2012, moved in together january 2012. its important to say that we moved in together bc we basically had to, not because it was something we really wanted or thought over. i was the happiest i had ever been in my entire life with this girl. everything was good, i played husband she played wife, breakfast in bed in the morning for her, comin home to a beautiful woman w a hot meal for me. she did whatever i asked without a second thought and i did the same for her. massages, candle light dinners, walks on the beach, sex on the regular (yea i said it) lol. basically we were a family, which is everything i ever wanted. but we were young dumb and in love. we never had a chance to really be friends, our relationship progressed so fast i shouldve known it was bad from the jump. i started to see little things in her that i didnt like. i figured it was just something that happened when you moved in with someone. i shouldve followed my first mind.

THE BAD… as time went on, maybe about april 2012, we begin to argue about the stupidest shit. well lemme say she yelled at me and i just looked at her like she was stupid. we fought over the trash bein takin out, over shit like why i made her chicken for dinner when i should have KNOWN she wanted fish.. but eventually the arguments got more serious and i began to see her INSECURITIES, insecurities that i hadnt seen the first few months of bein together. it was a fight when i would have my big sis over, but it was supposed to be cool with me that she would have niggas from her past in OUR apt. i guess before we get to the UGLY it would be important to tell yall that unknown to me for the first like 7 months of our relationships, she grew up in an abusive home. her father was a police officer, her mother was a hard workin woman that had 2 jobs and 4 young kids by the time she was 23. my ex watched her mother get guns put in her mouth by her father, she watched her mother get beat ass naked by her father, she had seen her mother hide under neighbors cars from her father, it was bad, and you would think that growing up around all this abuse, she would have wanted to end the cycle…

THE UGLY… by may we had moved into our second apartment, and it seemed like all the bs we were goin through had just kind of faded away, we were happy again, talking things out instead of getting angry, makin time in our day to get out and do something together even if it was just takin a walk through the park. we wanted to make shit work. we tried, it was all we could do. on july 13, 2012 we got in an argument about me not wanting to go to wednesday night bible study bc i didnt feel well. later on that night she put her hands on me, not for the first time but maybe the second or third, and although I’m a female i swore i would never put my hands on any female i claimed i loved, out of respect and because i know once i start i cant stop. lemme just tell yall she probably put her hands on me three times total that day y the fourth time, all my shit was packed, the cops were called, and i was out of there. on july 14, 2012 i was in my 95 chevy lumina, trunk full w suitcases, garbage bags of shoes, my radio and anything else i could grab. i had left the love of my life in the street on her knees, screamin my name, bleeding from the slits in her wrists she had just cut in front of me, beggin for me to come back. i see that image in my mind almost everyday. it changed me…

OHHH IT GETS WORSE…before i could even touch down in California she was callin me telling me she had bought me a plane ticket to come back. sent me the confirmation email and all. she bought my ticket for august 1, 2012, i was home in California for less than a month. before i was on my way back to her to attempt to save the little bit of love that was still between us (despite my two best friends basically beggin me not to go) (&& and despite the tears i saw my dad shed as i said my goodbyes at the SF airport). i know it was dumb, but at the time i felt like this, if i tried, truly put forth an effort in giving her a second chance, then if she fucked up and it didnt work, it wasnt on me. i have to let yall know that she didnt ever put her hands back on me, we rarely argued, it seemed like she finally truly appreciated me and all i had done and given up for her. but on October 5, 2012, i was out the door, i knew it was over the moment i stepped onto that greyhound bus headed for petersburg, va.

MY SALVATION. there were a few major people (knowingly or unknowingly) involved in me leaving her, for good. they all had their own way of showing me why, and this, this will be the first and last time i ever drop names in my blog, and thats because i have to give credit where credit is due.

1. Chanel (my best friend) .. my anchor, my strength when i was weak, my voice of reason when my mind was goin in every direction. she was patient with me, she understood where i was comin from, she understood that i had to go back for me,  to try. she wasnt angry with me she let me make my own decisions. she let me know that regardless of what i decided, even if i went back to nc and stayed that she would love me no matter what, and that although she didnt support my relationship, she was a big enough person to support ME, when i felt like there was absolutely no one else in my corner. you are my ride or die my right hand man, the only woman i know who has ALWAYS loved me unconditionally.

2. Amanda (my best friend) .. she is an important part of the reason im here because she took the complete opposite approach of chanel. she didnt support it at all, she wouldnt talk to me, would barely return my texts, definitely wouldnt return my calls. she gave me the TOUGH LOVE. and as much as i resented her approach i NEEDED it. it helped me see things clearly. i thought we would never speak again, but i realize she did it out of hurt, anger, and love. i love you amanda and thank you. 

3. Netta (my what if) .. she was unknowingly a reason for me to get out of the relationship i was in. i made and continue to make my fair amount of mistakes when it comes to her. but regardless of what i had done or said before, she was willing to go out to dinner with me and chanel while i was home for those two weeks in july, and that said alot. just seein her face, knowin some of the stuff she had been through, made me realize that i could get out of what i was in. made me WANT to get out of whatever bs i was in.she didnt judge me for the relationship i was in, or for the fact that i was considering goin back. she is a fighter, and without knowing it, she made me fight. when i left nc to go to va i was still unsure if i was join to go home to cal or go back to nc, and as corny or cliche as it sounds, when i got to va and looked her in her eyes and FELT that love she had for me and realized the love i had for her, all my doubts went away. she made me laugh and smile. and truly feel happy, which was something i hadnt felt in a very long time, i could be myself with her, and for that i thank her sooo much.

4. CHRIS (my big sis) i swear this girl right here was my guardian angel in the midst of the storm i met her before i even knew my ex existed, and i know now, if i ever doubted it God places people in your life for a reason. when my ex would kick me out or i just needed to get away from the night, chris had my back and it was never a problem. i probably wouldnt have been able to make it out if the same city as my ex if it wouldnt have been for the $20 she gave me to put in my tank to get to my dad at the airport. i love you chris and we may not talk everyday since i moved but YOU are my angel i mean that. i love you bro.

last but certainly not least, God, i swear i thought i had a relationship with this man before all of this, i appreciate and understand so much more now that he brought me through that situation. He never brings you to it if He cant bring you through it. he opened my eyes so much and taught me to be thankful for the good, but especially for the bad because my bad made me who i am now, it made me stronger, helped me grow, helped me to realize my self worth, taught me that no matter how much i love someone or think someone loves me, ill never ever let anyone use me as a damn doormat, abuse me mentally, physically, emotionally or in any other form. i thank God for his deliverance, and his patience with me. 

thanks for bearing with me yall. 

stay up.



This post, i guess you can say is a continuation or ELABORATION of the last paragraph of my last post (TIME WAITS FOR NOTHING, AND EVERYTHING IS GONNA TAKE ITS TIME).  So if you haven’t read that post, you might wanna read it and then come back to this one. With that being said, i will TRY my hardest to make this the last post that i talk about waiting, or letting go in depth. Primarily because i need to take my own advice on this one. Lastly, because i want to keep you guys coming back for more and not having to read or hear about the same thing over and over.

To summarize early on, im going to say this:


One of the most amazing things God gave us was the choice of FREE WILL.


we’ve been given the privilege of being able to CHOOSE. and if you REALLY love someone you have to return the favor and grant them that same privilege. LOVE is PATIENT. you can’t… i keep sayin you.. The truth tho, is that I cant MANIPULATE or FORCE you to love me the way i love you. Even if i tried my hardest to do this, it would only BACKFIRE IN MY FACE. i really hope yall are hearin what im sayin bc we as people do it all the time. we manipulate OURSELVES into thinking that WE can MANIPULATE someone into loving us whether its intentional or unintentional. 


THIS is the biggest challenge for me and some of yall out there too. one, bc most likely their choice isnt the choice you wanted them to make. two, bc the outcome can feel like shit. if he/she chooses to give their love to someone else after you’ve been trying and trying and trying it can be the biggest let down ever. i end up feelin like i waisted time, energy, and effort just for it not to be returned. in reality i just end up feeling stupid. to know that you dont feel the same way, to know you dont think about me as much as i think about you, the feelin of rejection.. all these things. i remember that sometimes you get a million no’s before you get one yes. but i also have to remind myself that as much as love is about free will, its also about taking risks. which brings me to my next point.


The same way someones choice can make you feel like shit, it can make you feel like youre on top of the world. when you slow down, be PATIENT, and let someone CHOOSE you, youre creating a great foundation for your relationship. youre giving your relationship soo much more room to grow and blossom. and yeaa love takes its different twists and turns but if its real, you’ll find that the person who chose you is more like the roots at the bottom of the tree, strong and unwavering, as opposed to branches on a tree that break off at the hint of a little wind. 

so ill end this one a little like i ended the last by saying this.

i love you. and i know you, youre sitting there reading this, probably with your sis by your side (btw she needa go to bed cuz she got school in the AM).. lol but like i was saying, youre probably thinkin to yourself ‘how can you love me and you dont even really know me.” i love you in every sense of the word, i love your DRIVE, your HONESTY, your VULNERABILITY, the things i KNOW about you, and the things i’ll LEARN about you, the woman that you are, and the woman that you’re still becoming, your FRIENDSHIP. but more importantly i love you UNCONDITIONALLY. and when i say that i mean this, i love you regardless if i agree or disagree with the decisions you make about love, life or family, whether we just stay friends or if we graduate into gettin married, even tho i know how you feel about that lol. the point is i LOVE and RESPECT you enough to:


until next time. 



time WAITS for NOTHING && EVERYTHING is gonna take its time

So i know I have told you guys a million times, but last night me and my best friend had a real ass convo. We covered a plethora of topics. but one of the ones that stuck out to me most was this.

how long is too long to wait for someone?

im definitely inTHEEmiddle about this because there is no correct, numerical answer. i cant say wait a week, i cant say wait three hours, i cant even say wait a year. it comes too how much you can endure personally. its about: 


STEADFASTNESS in doing something DESPITE DIFFICULTY or DELAY in achieving success.

but theres a difference between perseverance and INSANITY. 

“INSANITY: doing the SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN expecting a DIFFERENT result” – Albert Einstein.

They said go deeper, so ima try speaking from personal experiences. I’ve done my share of waiting. trust me, waisting time on girls thinking that if i just wait a little while longer she’ll be mine, she’ll get over whoever it is thats doin her so dirty. but im tellin ya’ll that sometimes you just have to let go. the thing about waiting is that while you’re over here waiting on that person to decide who they really want, youre missing out on people who really  want you. 

for example: when i was a jr in high school, there was this freshman that i really liked. the good thing is that she liked me back. lol but there were other girls who liked me as well. i waited on this girl for more than a year. i got so caught up in trying to convince this girl that she should be with me that i passed up on maybe 3 or 4 girls that i could have had a legit ass relationship with. it was like i was a horse running with the little blinder things .. i had tunnel vision. i wanted what i wanted. i thought i was being perseverant. but in reality, i was lettin her talk to guy after guy, thinkin that each time when these dudes failed, she would realize that i was the person she should really give a chance. i did this for so long every time expecting a different result. yup go ahead and scroll right back up to Einstein’s quote about insanity. 

the sad thing is that the people who were my “circle” at the time would tell me to let it go but i couldnt. and to this VERY DAY, me and the girl never got in a relationship, she would string me along bc she knew at the end of the day i would always be there, waitin on my chance. its important to say this: just because youre waitin doesnt necessarily mean that you’re waitin on someone to decide if they want you or the next person. sometimes we wait on stuff like, people to grow up, people to become the potential that WE see in them, people to move back home, people to break up w their gf/bf, people to CHANGE like they said they would. it all comes back to KNOWING YOUR WORTH. im not sayin that its not worth the wait but dont get sooo caught up on waiting for that one PERSON that you miss out on the 6 other guys/girls that are WAITING ON YOU. 

everytime i think about the girl that i was “waiting” on i think about the one girl who was really lookin for me. SHE is my motivation to not wait around on any more females even tho i honestly do find myself doin it sometimes.

and with that said i know ive said it before, but to you, the one who was waitin around on me in high school wondering to yourself “why is she soo caught up on this girl?” i truly understand how you felt. 


i MEAN that. i was young and dumb. i lived and i learned.


so to answer the original question “how long is to long to wait for someone?” .. its up to ya’ll, you have to choose your battles, and try you hardest to choose them wisely. and if you choose to PERSEVERE, just remember to take time and look out for the people who are waiting on you. you dont wanna pass up on someone that is ALREADY amazing, for someone who has the POTENTIAL to be amazing. 

and to the one i find myself kind of waitin on now, i love you. but i love you enough to let you go explore who and what you want to explore and IF it all falls down im here and ill gladly step up and help you out, show you some real love. like Gina said “i’ll be there for you, ive been there, but i wont wait forever.” 

stay up.


“shaquille sunflower && gina”

“i’ll BE there for you Martin, I’ve BEEN there BUT i wont wait forever, i dont know any woman that could do that”

it reminded me TOO much of the convo me and my bff had last night. we talked about how long is to long too wait for someone. so i think ive found something else to blog about. 😛

words vs actions….

me and my best friend are havin a real ass convo talkin bout the things ppl say vs what they do..

“we aint gettin back together, but we actin domestic”

“we aint gettin back together, but we playin house”


“i miss you, but i cant never hit your phone”


I was texting my best friend telling her that im worried that people are going to be mad at me about what im writing on here, like it may be too much for them, it might hit too close to home. she said

“if they mad let them be mad”

i went on to say something like i just dont want any beef i dont want people deletin me off stuff and comin at me foul about what im posting she said this

“gulity people react.”

“personally, if i do nothing wrong i say “oh you mad at me? thats fine youre mad for no reason, so you go ahead and lose sleep while i watch my show”

lmao shes sooo silly. i love her tho. 



dangerously in love

ive loved her voice since the days in hs when she would sing to me in math class and i would get in trouble for payin more attention to her then to my math teacher. lol. shes one if the sweetest, most mature girls i know. check her out on youtube at